
太平洋在线下载手机版 95 0


Apple iPhone 因电池老化而降低效表现的事件仍然未圆满解决苹果手机电源管理,即使推出更换电池优惠价苹果手机电源管理,但又惹来 iPad 同样会被降速的传言,最后 Apple 苹果公司于 2018 年 1 月 11 时发出新闻稿,解释以降速维持电池性能,并免手机受无预警重启问题的「Power Management」电源管理功能,只使用于 iPhones 上,其他 Apple 设备不受影响。然而,Power Management 电源管理功能的解释一出,又再引起部分 iPhone 用户的不满,指被迫降速。

Apple CEO Tim Cook 近日受访时表示,指近日 Apple 将会于未来的 iOS 更新中,引入更佳的电池监察功能,于未来的更新中,iPhone 用户将可手动关闭「Power Mangement」电源管理功能。

"We're also going to... first in a developer release that happens next month, we're going to give people the visibility of the health of their battery. So it's very, very transparent. This hasn't been done before, but we've thought through this whole thing and learned everything we can learn from it.

So we want to do that, and in the situation... and we will tell someone we're reducing your performance by some amount in order to not have an unexpected restart. And if you don't want it, you can turn it off. Now we don't recommend it, because we think people's iPhones are really important to them, and you never can tell when something is so urgent. Our actions were all in service of the user. I can't stress that enough."

于未来的 iOS 更新中,iPhone 用户将有更高的透明度及自主去管理 iPhone 的电池,如加入电池健康度、手动关闭「电源管理」(Power Management) 的选项等。但 Tim Cook 也重申,为了确保 iPhone 用户在重要的时刻都能使用手机,而降低效能实为避免不能预计的重启问题。未来的更新中,用户若不愿意被降速,可以手动关闭 Power Management 功能,但站在 Apple 的立场,并不建议这样做。对于 iPhone 用户,或者只是想有更多的自主?有多少 iPhone 用户,会为保持效能而冒手机出现重启问题的风险?


标签: 苹果手机电源管理
